Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sarah follow-up: Negative results

Sarah was talking yesterday about problems with negative results not getting published, and I mentioned that some journals seem to be thinking about the same lines. So, here is one announcement from LinguistList:

For the first time in the field, the leading journal Language Teaching
(CUP) will now include a section of research papers dedicated exclusively
to replication studies. This area of research receives little or no
specific attention in the mainstream journals but needs to play a far more
significant role than it has up to now in our field. In keeping with the
survey characteristics of Language Teaching, we also encourage submissions
of meta-analyses which attempt to combine or synthesise a series of
comparable research replications. More details about this permanent Call
for Papers can be obtained from the Editor at: gporte@gmail.com

Language Teaching website:

Now, it is not about negative results, but replication is close enough for me. And the word "exclusively" is quite important here. Amy Perfors' had some discussion of the negative results issue on the Harvard Social Science Statistics website last year, but I'm hanged if I can find it in the archive...

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